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article image In research mathematically simulating a flu pandemic, Joseph Wu and colleagues predict that using a secondary antiviral drug early in local epidemics would reduce global emergence of resistance to the primary stockpiled drug.

Read Article; Editors' Summary; Supporting Text; Supporting Videos: S1, S2, S3 and S4.

Image Credit: Cynthia Goldsmith


Weekly Editors' Picks

DEAR1 Is a Dominant Regulator of Acinar Morphogenesis and an Independent Predictor of Local Recurrence-Free Survival in Early-Onset Breast Cancer

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Ann Killary and colleagues describe a new gene that is genetically altered in breast tumors, and that may provide a new breast cancer prognostic marker. This study is discussed in a related Perspective by Senthil Muthuswamy.

Read Editors' Summary.


Preventing Bias in Cluster Randomised Trials

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Bruno Giraudeau and Philippe Ravaud discuss the difficulties in preventing selection bias and applying intention-to-treat analyses in cluster randomized trials, and propose some solutions.

Image Credit: tahitianlime

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Evaluation and Recommendations on Good Clinical Laboratory Practice Guidelines for Phase I-III Clinical Trials

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Marcella Sarzotti-Kelsoe and colleagues harmonize various approaches to Good Clinical Laboratory Practice for clinical trials into a single set of recommendations.

Image credit: Kaibara87

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Guidelines and Guidance

The Guidelines and Guidance section of PLoS Medicine contains advice on conducting and reporting medical research. As well as this week's article by Marcella Sarzotti-Kelsoe and colleagues, recent Guidelines and Guidance papers include Gurdeep S Sagoo and colleagues' discussion of systematic reviews of genetic association studies and Olivier Fontaine and colleagues' discussion of the research priorities to reduce global mortality from childhood diarrhea.


In The News

In an article published recently by PLoS Medicine, Joachim Scholz and colleagues described a new standardized tool for the assessment of chronic pain. This study received international news coverage, a selection of which follows:


PLoS Medicine is a peer-reviewed, international, open-access journal publishing important original research and analysis relevant to human health.

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The British Red Cross website features information about this charity's work to combat tuberculosis, including case studies from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Moore Foundation Science Commons UnitedLayer, LLC

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