USDA Forest Service

Fire Effects Information


Jane Kapler Smith
406 329-4805,

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Link Forest Service Link


Fire Studies

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Fire studies with relatively complete descriptions of burned and unburned vegetation, burning conditions, and fire behavior can be valuable for managers because information on fire effects is integrated with site, fire weather, and fire behavior information. FEIS presents more than 100 such integrated studies. The Fire Studies are linked from all relevant species reviews, so you can locate them through the FEIS species lists or the FEIS search window. You can also use the search window to find information from these studies on species not reviewed in FEIS.

Fire studies are presented in several formats:

  • The Fire Case Study (FCS) focuses on 1 plant or animal species (occasionally 2) and is summarized within the FEIS species review.
  • The Research Project Summary (RPS) provides information about fire effects on many plant or animal species that has been published in journal articles, theses, or other publications. The RPS is a stand-alone FEIS document linked from many FEIS reviews.
  • The PDF links to a downloadable version of a complete research paper that is in the public domain.

FEIS Fire Studies List


USDA Forest Service - FEIS

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