American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Tuberculosis Tests

Tuberculosis Tests for Children
Elizabeth Olds (1896-1991)
Tuberculosis Tests for Children, 1934
Prints & Photographs Division
Gift of Ben and Beatrice Goldstein (104.1)

Elizabeth Olds created Tuberculosis Tests for Children as part of a series of prints about the Roosevelt administration's assistance to the unemployed during the Depression in Omaha. Having trained in Minneapolis and New York, she became the first woman awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship (1925) to paint. In 1932, while working for the Omaha Public Works of Art Project, she learned lithography, from grinding the stones to cranking the press. Later, she was a member of the silkscreen unit of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in New York. Following WWII, Olds wrote and illustrated children's books.

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