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FMT Announces Winners of 2007 Photo Contest


Fire Management Today received 285 images from 69 people for our 2007 photo contest. Thanks to everyone who contributed their best fire-related images to this year’s competition.

We asked people to submit images in six categories:

·        Wildland fire

·        Prescribed fire

·        Wildland-urban interface fire

·        Aerial resources

·        Ground resources

·        Miscellaneous (fire effects, fire weather, fire-dependent communities or species, etc.)

After the contest deadline (the first Friday in October), we evaluated the submissions and eliminated all technically flawed images, such as those with date stamps or low resolution. Despite technical flaws, many of these images were otherwise outstanding.

Next, two fire safety experts reviewed the images to ensure that they did not show unsafe firefighting practices (unless that was their purpose). If an unsafe practice was evident, we disqualified the image from competition.

Lastly, three judges reviewed, scored, and ranked the remaining images based on traditional photography criteria. They asked questions such as:

  • Is the composition skillful and dynamic?
  • Are the colors and patterns effective?
  • Does the image tell a story or convey a mood?

And the winners are: 

First Place, Wildland Fire.

Second Place, Wildland Fire.

Third Place, Wildland Fire.

First Place, Prescribed Fire.

Second Place, Prescribed Fire.

Third Place, Prescribed Fire.

First Place, Wildland–Urban Interface.

Second Place, Wildland–Urban Interface.

Third Place, Wildland–Urban Interface.

First Place, Ground Resources.

Second Place, Ground Resources.

Third Place, Ground Resources.

First Place, Aerial Resources

Second Place, Aerial Resources.

Third Place, Aerial Resources.

First Place, Miscellaneous.

Second Place, Miscellaneous.




2006 Photo Contest Winners

First Place Winners

Second Place Winners

Third Place Winners

Honorable Mention Recipients


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