Collection Citation

 Collection TitleEvaluated Nuclear (reaction) Data from the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) 
 Collection Creator/PICross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) 
 Collection SponsorUSDOE - Office of Science (SC) 
 DOE Data CenterNational Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) 
 Other Related OrganizationsBrookhaven National Laboratory (BNL); Nuclear Energy Agency's Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)  
 Main Content TypeNumeric Files/Datasets 
 KeywordsNeutron-induced reactions; Photon-induced reactions; Charged particle-induced reactions; Cross sections (CS); Differential cross sections as function of the angle (DA); Resonance parameters (RP); Fission product yields (FY); 
 DescriptionThe ENDF libraries are a collection of documented data evaluations stored in a defined computer-readable format that can be used as the main input to nuclear data processing programs. An evaluation is the process of analyzing experimentally measured cross-section data, combining them with the predictions of nuclear model calculations, and attempting to extract the true value of a cross section. Parameterization and reduction of the data to tabular form produces an evaluated data set. If a written description of the preparation of a unique data set from the data sources is available, the data set is referred to as a documented evaluation. The data sets contained on the ENDF/B library are those chosen by CSEWG from evaluations submitted for review. The choice is made on the basis of requirements for applications, conformance of the evaluation to the formats and procedures, and performance in testing. The data set that represents a particular material may change when (1) new significant experimental results become available, (2) integral tests show that the data give erroneous results, or (3) user's requirements indicate a need for more accurate data and/or better representations of the data for a particular material. New or revised data sets are included in new releases of the ENDF/B library. ENDF/B data sets are revised or replaced only after extensive review and testing. This allows them to be used as standard reference data during the lifetime of the particular ENDF/B version. (This information is copied from the ENDF- 6 Formats Manual, Data Formats and Procedures for the Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF/B-VI and ENDF/B-VII, Document ENDF-102, Report BNL-NCS-44945-05-Rev.)

The current version is ENDF/B VII.0, released in 2006. Users can search ENDF via specialized interfaces, browse sub-libraries or download them as zipped files. Data plots can be generated through the Sigma interface. The ENDF web page also provides access to covariance data processing and plots. (Specialized Interface)
