The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Washington, D.C. 20507


Office of Legal Counsel

October 30, 2008



TO: Office of Management and Budget
Department of Justice, Office of Information and Privacy
FROM: Reed L. Russell /s/
Chief FOIA Officer
SUBJECT: FOIA Reading Room Certification

This partial FOIA Reading Room certification is submitted pursuant to the June 25, 2008, Memorandum for Agency Chief FOIA Officers issued by Melanie Ann Pustay, Director of the Office of Information and Privacy implementing the Attorney General’s Third Report to the President pursuant to Executive Order 13392 requiring agencies to certify that their Reading Rooms comply with the legal requirements of the FOIA.

2.a.   Internal Review of Agency FOIA Reading Rooms

Pursuant to the Attorney General’s report and Director Pustay’s instructions, I caused FOIA Reading Rooms located in the following offices of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to be reviewed for the purposes of determining their compliance with the FOIA’s legal requirements.

2.b.   Reading Room Deficiencies Addressed

The review revealed that all offices, with the exception of the Houston District Office and the Mobile Local Office in the Birmingham District of the EEOC, are in compliance with the legal requirements of the FOIA. The Houston District Office is currently in the midst of a major renovation. The Mobile Local Office, a relatively new office, is in the process of compiling the required information. EEOC anticipates that the Reading Rooms in these offices will be accessible and complete by December 31, 2008. At that time, a new certification will be submitted to you and uploaded to the EEOC website.

2.c.    Certification

I certify that to the best of my knowledge, based on the information reasonably available to me at the time of this certification that the EEOC Reading Rooms described above comply with the legal requirements of the FOIA, except as noted in 2.b. above.

Dated: __________________ _________________________
Reed L. Russell
Chief FOIA Officer

This page was last modified on October 31, 2008.

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