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New Ways & Means Issues Site Launched

I firmly believe that we need to raise the level of public debate in this country on the economic and fiscal challenges that threaten to undermine our nation's future competitiveness. These issues, many of which come before the House Ways & Means Committee on which I serve, are too important to limit the discussion to hearings and Floor debate in Washington, D.C. I believe we must bring the debate from the hearing rooms on Capitol Hill to kitchen tables across America. In today’s world, the most convenient way for Americans to get the unfiltered information they want is through the internet. That’s why I have developed a new Ways & Means section on my website.  

I hope you find this new section to be a valuable resource as we move forward on these critical issues. We face several serious domestic challenges, but through respectful but spirited debate and policies based on the conservative principles that Ronald Reagan advanced more than two decades ago, I believe we can address those challenges and leave a brighter, more prosperous future for our children and grandchildren. As you review the new Ways and Means section on my website, I invite you to share your feedback. As always, I very much look forward to hearing your questions, concerns, and opinions. 

Please check out the new section of the web site here.


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