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Thank you for taking the time to visit my on-line office.  Please make use of the resources available and feel free to let me know what I can do to better serve you and the Fifth District.Mary Fallin
For the Kids Kids in the House - Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives
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Kids in the House - Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives
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Fallin Receives Armed Services Sub-Committee Assignments
Congresswoman Mary Fallin (OK-05) received the following subcommittee assignments on the House Armed Services Committee:   » Read More
From NRO: The RSC Stimulus Plan
The conservative Republican Study Committee has presented an alternative stimulus proposal that will be among the plans considered tomorrow morning at the hearing of Rep. Eric Cantor's (R., Va.) stimulus working group.   » Read More
From TownHall.com: Economic Stimulus That Works, by Rep. Fallin
With the economy stalled and a prolonged recession seeming all but inevitable, almost everyone agrees the federal government needs to act quickly and seriously to turn things around. President-elect Obama has put economic recovery on the top of his list, for good reason, and it is heartening to see that tax cuts make up a significant part of his stimulus plan.   » Read More

DTV Answeres On February 17, 2009 television stations across the U.S. will switch from analog to digital signals. Click here to find out how the DTV switch affects you.

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