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Fire Use & Prescribed Fire

Ecology of Fire
Rx Fire: Restoring natural fire to the ecosystem

Forests Born of Fire

Fire-adapted ecosystems across the West depend on wildland fire
A large experimental prescribed burn near Fairbanks. The project is in terrain dominated by permafrost, and focuses on the large-scale ecological consequences of fire.
Prescribed Fire in Florida
Florida Division of Forestry's thorough site on prescribed fire.
Prescribed Fire Training Center
The National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center is a program that blends field prescribed burning experience with a curriculum of classroom instruction. Trainees will have the opportunity to complete portions of the NWCG approved prescribed fire task books under the guidance of training specialists.
Southwest Fire Use Training Academy
The Fire Use Training Academy (FUTA) is an interagency program blending classroom and prescribed burning experience on forests and rangelands throughout the Southwest. During the 8-week program, participants have the opportunity to complete individual tasks leading to aptitude within the prescribed fire qualification system.
TNC Global Fire Initiative
The Nature Conservancy launched the Global Fire Initiative in 2002 to help combat the threats that too much, too little or the wrong kind of fire pose to biodiversity conservation. The Initiative is active in 11 countries where we are working with partners to find solutions that allow fire to play a role in places where it benefits nature and people, and keep fire out of places where it is destructive. This web site was developed to share insights, tools and approaches to combat fire-related biodiversity threats.
Western Governor's Association
The mission of the WGA Prescribed Fire Program is to facilitate the use of prescribed fire as a tool, where appropriate, to achieve land management objectives on wildlands while minimizing negative effects on air quaility.