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Child & Adult Care Food Program

Facts about CACFP and Afterschool Care Suppers

What is CACFP?
CACFP is the Child and Adult Care Food Program, an important nutrition assistance program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for young children and adults receiving day care. CACFP snacks give a nutritional boost to children and teenagers in afterschool care programs in every state. Today, CACFP also provides suppers in afterschool care programs in Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Oregon,  Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Why combine supper and activities after school?
When school is out and parents are still at work, children need a safe place to be with their friends, with structured activities, and supportive adults. Afterschool care programs that serve meals draw children and teenagers into constructive activities that are safe, fun, and filled with opportunities for learning. The meals give them the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow.

Which afterschool programs can participate?
USDA reimburses suppers in afterschool programs in Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania and West Virginia that: 

  • Are located at sites where at least half of the children in the school attendance area are eligible for free and reduced price school meals.

  • Offer educational or enrichment activities, after the regular school day ends or on week-ends, during times of the year when school is in session.

  • Meet licensing, health, or safety codes that are required by state or local law.

  • Serve nutritionally balanced meals that meet USDA’s nutrition standards, with foods like milk, meat, vegetables, fruit, and bread.

Who is eligible for suppers?
Reimbursable suppers can be served to children and teenagers through age 18. There are no application forms for parents or guardians to fill out. All afterschool care suppers are served in group settings, at no cost to the child or to the child’s parents or guardians.

How are afterschool care programs reimbursed?
CACFP provides cash payments and USDA commodities. It gives afterschool care programs a steady source of funds, and frees up resources that can be used for other activities. Programs may choose cash instead of commodities (20.75 cents for each supper), in addition to these reimbursement rates (in U.S. dollars, as of July 1, 2008):


Most States











Can school-based programs provide CACFP suppers?
Yes, afterschool care programs located in schools are eligible, as long as they meet CACFP eligibility requirements and are approved to participate.

Are suppers reimbursable during summer vacation?
CACFP is available to afterschool care programs only during the school year when classes are in session. To provide meals in summer, ask your state agency about USDA’s Summer Food Service Program.

Where can you get more information?
USDA reimburses afterschool care suppers in 8 states (Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia). Reimbursable snacks are available nationwide. To learn more, contact your CACFP State Agency.

Last modified: 10/20/2008