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USDA Personnel and Document Security booklet coverThe Personnel and Document Security Division (PDSD ) focuses on safeguarding national security information within USDA, managing security clearances and the determining "Suitability for Employment" for USDA employees incumbering public trust positions.

In the NewsMore...In the News

"Requesting OPM Personnel Investigations" (PDF;1.59Mb), updated July 2008

DR #4600-001 (PDF;41Kb) - USDA Personnel Security Clearance Program

June 30, 2008 - Executive Order 13467

November 20, 2008 - Reference Checking Guide Book from OPM


Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing
Taking paper submissions into automation.

a safe - indicating information security
Information Security
Working to Keep America’s food and agriculture safe.
magnifying glass
Adjudicative Guidelines (PDF;2Mb)
WOW!! There's a lot ofgood stuff here
Online SecurityGuide
Your guide to security and threat awareness.
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   bullet - unselected   Submit a Request to Pass a Security Clearance
   bullet - unselected   Access e-QIP
   bullet - unselected   Complete my Online Security Clearance Briefing
   bullet - unselected   Complete My Online Annual Security Refresher Briefing
   bullet - unselected   Receive My Security Debriefing (PDF; 114 Kb)
   bullet - unselected   Contact My Security Point-of-Contact
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