
 Some of Our Awards

Readers Digest Magazine's
Looksmart Award

Pet Links Feature Site of the Week
Awarded to Quality Pet Sites

Golden Banner Award
Awarded to Responsible Content Sites

Top Ten Sites on the Web
One of the Best Ten Sites for Birds

The NBNews Editor's Choice Award
NBN's Review of Birds n Ways

StudyWeb Excellence Award
One of the best educational resources on the Web

WebTrips Network Featured Site of the Week
For Sites Taking the Web to the Next Level

Links2Go Key Resource Award
Sites which are most representative of their topic

Riddler's Quality Site Award

The Password Award
Sites with the Very Best Content of the Web

JP Web's Pick of the Week

Abby's Too Cool Award

Atlanta Cockatiel Club Award

Awarded to Sites which Provide
Comprehensive Finch Related Information

Tiel Appeals Favorite Perch Award

Awarded to Sites Recommended for
Educational Purposes

Lazy Butterfly Aviary
OWLstanding Site

The All Bird Band's Pick of the Web
The Very Best Parrot-Related Sites on the Web.

Beamer's Seal of Approval from Wells Bird Ranch
"The Best Bird Site on the Net"

Sites Which Are Educational and
Provide Complete Coverage of a Topic