• Tool Up for Midcareer Job Hunt

    While finding a new job in a recession is tough, midcareer job seekers have some advantages, career experts say.

  • [How to spot resume fraud]

    How to Spot Résumé Fraud

    As more people look for jobs – and become increasingly desperate -- hiring managers need to be on guard, experts say.

  • Ex-U.N. Official Runs Japanese Agency

    Some government and business leaders might dream of playing golf or traveling abroad after retirement, but 81-year-old Sadako Ogata chose instead to manage one of the world's biggest bilateral aid agencies.

  • [How I Got Here]

    How The Mattress Man Got His Start

    As a teenager in Ecuador in the late 1950s, Napoleon Barragan dreamt of coming to America and running his own business. About a decade later he founded 1800-Mattress.

  • Web Sites That Provide Salary Help

    There are a number of salary calculators and online Web sites, but many offer just an aggregated or best-guess figure. A few sites, however, offer more.

  • Firms Cut Holes in Golden Parachutes

    Double Eagle Petroleum's new employment agreements curtail a time-honored executive perquisite: no severance in cases of "poor performance."

  • Schools Cancel GMAT Scores

    Top U.S. business schools canceled the admissions-test scores of 84 applicants and students.

  • Weighing Options Before a Buyout

    Voluntary buyout packages seem to be commonplace in Corporate America during troubled times. Here are few things to consider as you decide to accept or reject that offer.

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    My colleagues and I in New York find that lunch is costing us more money -- $10-$15 a day on average for a take-out sandwich. While some of us pack a lunch, there's not always time to prepare it in the mornings. And, perhaps, what you bring is not really w...

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