W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
Working Group Meeting
18-19 June 2001
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Registration | Participants | Agenda | Suggested Readings | Logistics | Minutes

The main goals are to:

  1. Discuss requirements and draft of ATAG "wombat",
  2. Make progress on techniques document (specifically including progress on evaluation techniques)
  3. Discuss implementations of ATAG 1.0

This meeting will be followed by a face to face meeting of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines group, and working group members are encouraged to be available for some of that meeting to discuss issues that concern both groups.


You must register for the meeting if you plan to attend. Registration is required before 11 June.


Registration is open to participants of the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. Members of the group who are unable to participate may be able to join by telephone.


Agenda details have not yet been fixed, and will be determined according to the needs of participants. The following is proposed, but subject to change.

Monday, 18 June 2001

Tuesday, 19 June 2001


Meeting place, Hotel, and Transportation details

The meeting is hosted by CWI - Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 20 592 4171
Fax: +31 20 5924199


CWI has price arrangements with a few hotels in Amsterdam.

There are a variety of other resources for finding a hotel in Amsterdam:


Maps and directions are available from the "About CWI" web site. When we had meetings at CWI last May it was easy to take the bus, but it requires a 1 mile walk from the bus stop to the campus. It's a pretty walk! Cabs were also a good way to get there.

$Date: 2001/11/27 03:51:44 $ Charles McCN
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