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Drought: State/Local Resources 





Dept. of Water Resources

Information/links to water management, surface water and reservoir conditions


Connecticut Drought Response

Official State of Connecticut drought Web site


Drought Information Center

Information provided by the Governor's office


Drought Watch

Links to national and state drought information sources

Drought Summary

Information provided by the USGS and focusing on the Florida panhandle


Drought Page

Consolidates information on drought in



Department of Water Resources

Information on water resources in Idaho, including drought declarations


Water Survey Drought Page

Background information on drought and links, including current hydrometeorological conditions


Drought Page

The Kansas Water Office provides Drought Reports on a regular basis. They are intended to keep everyone informed about dry conditions and their effects and public and private actions that may be taken.


Department of Environmental Protection

Provides information on water supply and drought conditions

Division of Water, Water Resources Branch 

Information on water supply planning/conservation and drought status

Drought Coverage from the Herald-Leader 

News stories and photos of drought in Kentucky; also, water conservation information


Maryland Department of the Environment   

Drought information/water conservation page


Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Management

Provides information about drought, water conditions and precipitation

U.S. Geological Survey

Drought and water supply information for Massachusetts and Rhode Island


Department of Natural Resources

Drought information page


Water Supply and Drought Monitoring 

Drought indices and information on drought management


Climate Assessment and Response Committee

The mandate of the Climate Assessment and Response Committee (CARC)  includes data collection, analysis, and dissemination of information about drought. 

New Hampshire

Department of Environmental Services

Drought management page

New Jersey

Water Supply Administration

Hydrologic conditions, including reservoir levels and drought information

Drought Information

General drought information

New Mexico

Drought Planning Team

In addition to information on drought planning in New Mexico, the site provides information on drought conditions, fire risk and water conservation efforts

New York

Dept. of Environmental Conservation Drought Page

Information on drought in New York, with links to other drought information and resources

New York City Dept. of Environmental Protection Drought Page

Information on water use restrictions, water conservation and status of water supplies

North Carolina

Drought/Water Availability Conditions

Drought summary and links to other related sites

Drought Information Publications

Information on drought management

Drought Watch

Provided by the U.S. Geological Survey

Fire Weather/Fire Danger

Provided by the North Carolina Forest Service

North Dakota

Coping With Drought

Extensive set of links to sources of agriculturally oriented information


Drought Indicators

Hydrometeorological information/indices relevant to drought

Drought Information Page

Information provided by the Governor's office

Drought and Climatology

Drought information, with focus on surface water, as provided by the U.S. Geological Survey


Drought Information Center

Drought information, conservation information, official drought status

U.S. Geological Survey: Pennsylvania

Includes links to streamflow and groundwater information

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Water Resources

Information on water resources, including drought, provided by the Rhode Island Water Resources Board

U.S. Geological Survey

Drought and water supply information for Rhode Island and Massachusetts

South Carolina

Drought Information Center

Comprehensive information on drought monitoring and management, as well as information on water resources

USGS Drought Information

Focuses on surface and ground water


Texas Water Information Network

The mission of the Texas Water Information Network is to facilitate access to basic and value-added water resource and related data for Texas

Drought Preparedness Council

State planning group that provides drought monitoring information as well as situation reports

Texas A&M Drought Page

Extensive set of links focusing on agricultural impacts of drought provided by Texas A&M University 

Texas Water Development Board

Provides hydrologic and municipal drought Information for the State of Texas and adjacent areas in Mexico

Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission

Includes information on water restrictions, stream flow, as well as links to other drought-related information


Department of Environmental Quality

Drought monitoring task force page, includes drought status reports and links to additional resources


Department of Ecology

Drought page


Drought Monitor

Drought information for Wyoming and the world

Wyoming Drought Watch

USGS site that includes streamflow conditions

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Page Author: Denise George