Americans are not only getting overweight but also extremely obese at an alarming rate. Obesity is attributed from multiple factors such as eating habit, life-style, genetic factors and others. People who are overweight or obese have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol or other lipid disorders, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. Therefore, assessing your obesity risk is a first step necessary for guarding you from all the obesity-related diseases, particularly heart disease and diabetes. This and following web pages are created for providing you only information about obesity, not medical advice or drug choice.

Information & Current Research
As mentioned, obesity is resultant from multiple factors, so there is no single absolute way to assess your obesity risk correctly. However, there is the federal guidelines to help you assess your obesity risk using three key indexes:

Index 1: Body Mass Index (BMI).

Index 2: Waist Circumference.

Index 3: Risk Factors for Diseases and Conditions Associated with Obesity.

for Assessing Obesity Risk.

An example of bio-active compounds investigated in Dr. Park's laboratory

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