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  The occurrence of obesity in the United States has doubled in the past two decades. Nearly one-third of adults are obese, that is, they have a body mass index (BMI ) of 30 or greater. Overweight and obesity is of great public health concern because excess body fat leads to a higher risk for premature death, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, stroke, gall bladder disease, respiratory dysfunction, gout, osteoarthritis, and certain kinds of cancers. Accordingly, to maintain a body weight in a healthy range is a best way to optimize health. Eating fewer with increasing physical activity is the key to controlling body weight. To maintain body weight in a healthy range as well as to prevent gradual weight gain over time, first you should know how much calories you need daily and how you can obtain the calories in health ways.
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Know your daily calories to maintain healthy bodyweight.

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