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About Us

Founded in 2002 by Abe Lederman, President and Chief Technology Officer, Deep Web Technologies sprang from Abe's three year relationship and successful track record of work completed with the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI). From this affiliation, the first federated search for the federal government was born with the creation of Distributed Explorit™. Abe's 17-year background in the field of knowledge management, coupled with a network of connections from Verity and Los Alamos National Laboratory, and his pioneering work on the Explorit™ platform laid the groundwork for the company's rapid growth.

Our vision is to provide a software platform that permits integration of "best of class" software tools, incorporates the wisdom of discipline-focused specialists, and delivers the best and most complete results that translate into better decision-making. To realize our vision, our mission is to continually upgrade our current proprietary software tools and add new ones to bring leading edge knowledge management technology to our customers. We view our customers as our partners and strive to learn about their businesses, including the types of intelligence they require, the top sources of content they use, and the ways they use the information, so that we can craft the best possible solution.

Federated Search Unleashed

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