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Agricultural Outlook: Statistical Indicators

The statistical indicators formerly provided in Agricultural Outlook magazine will continue to be updated regularly. These tables include data on individual commodities, the general economy, agricultural trade, farm income and expenses, farm prices, food prices and expenditures, and other statistical indicators of the food and agriculture system.

Data as of August 2004

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Individual Tables in Excel Format


 Table 1—Key Statistical Indicators of the Food and Fiber Sector

U.S. and Foreign Economic Data

 Table 2—U.S. Gross Domestic Product and Related Data
 Table 3—World Economic Growth

Farm Prices

 Table 4—Indexes of Prices Received and Paid by Farmers, U.S. Average
 Table 5—Prices Received by Farmers, U.S. Average

Producer and Consumer Prices

 Table 6—Consumer Price Indexes for All Urban Consumers, U.S. Average
 (not seasonally adjusted)
 Table 7—Producer Price Indexes, U.S. Average (not seasonally adjusted)

Farm-Retail Price Spreads

 Table 8—Farm-Retail Price Spreads (part 1 of 2)
 Table 8—Farm-Retail Price Spreads (part 2 of 2)
 Table 9—Price Indexes of Food Marketing Costs

Livestock and Products

 Table 10—U.S. Meat Supply and Use
 Table 11—U.S. Egg Supply and Use
 Table 12—U.S. Milk Supply and Use
 Table 13—Poultry and Eggs
 Table 14—Dairy
 Table 15—Wool
 Table 16—Meat Animals

Crops and Products

 Table 17—Supply and Utilization (part 1 of 2)
 Table 17—Supply and Utilization (part 2 of 2)
 Table 18—Cash Prices, Selected U.S. Commodities
 Table 19—Farm Programs, Price Supports, Participation, and Payment Rates
 Table 20—Fruit
 Table 21—Vegetables
 Table 22—Other Commodities

World Agriculture

 Table 23—World Supply and Utilization of Major Crops, Livestock, and Products

U.S. Agricultural Trade

 Table 24—Prices of Principal U.S. Agricultural Trade Products
 Table 25—Trade Balance
 Table 26—Indexes of Real Trade-Weighted Dollar Exchange Rates
 Table 27—U.S. Agricultural Exports and Imports
 Table 28—U.S. Agricultural Exports by Region (New version posted 09/22/04)

Farm Income

 Table 29—Value Added to the U.S. Economy by the Agricultural Sector
 Table 30—Farm Income Statistics
 Table 31—Average Income to Farm Operator Households
 Table 32—Balance Sheet of the U.S. Farming Sector
 Table 33—Cash Receipts from Farming
 Table 34—Cash Receipts from Farm Marketings, by State
 Table 35—CCC Net Outlays by Commodity and Function

Food Expenditures

 Table 36—Food Sales


 Table 37—Rail Rates; Grain and Fruit-Vegetable Shipments

Indicators of Farm Productivity

 Table 38—Indexes of Farm Production, Input Use, and Productivity

Food Supply and Use

 Table 39—Per Capita Consumption of Major Food Commodities

2004 Archives

February, March, April, May, July
Note: AO tables were not updated in January or June

2003 Archives

January, February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, November, December
Note: AO tables were not updated in June

Web administration:

Updated date: September 22, 2004