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NatureServe Data on GBIF Data Portal

To promote access to and use of natural heritage program and conservation data center information resources, NatureServe is providing information for more than 500,000 element occurrence records for Canada and the United States via the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) prototype data portal.

GBIF is a worldwide effort to improve the availability of online biodiversity data, and serves as the secretariat for a network of national governments and non-governmental organizations involved in the development and provision of biodiversity information. NatureServe has been an active participant in GBIF since March of 2001.

Non-sensitive element occurrence data are being made available through the GBIF data portal under the terms of formal data sharing agreements between NatureServe and its natural heritage program members. These data are registered on the GBIF portal using the DiGIR communications protocol, and adhering to the “Darwin Core” data exchange standard. A summary of the types of data provided is presented in the table below, indicating the relationship between Darwin Core fields included and the relevant fields in NatureServe’s core data management software, Biotics 4. For additional information about the Darwin Core standard, see

Registry of NatureServe member program data on the GBIF data portal was made possible with financial support from the National Science Foundation under DBI-0345400.

GBIF Darwin Core Field Name Biotics 4 Field Name
Date Last Modified eo.version_date, else eo.rec_last_mod_date, else eo.rec_create_date
Institution Code NatureServe org unit code “NTSRV”
Collection Code Member Program – subnation_code plus “-NHP” or “-CDC”
Catalog Number unique identifier for the EOR = EO.' || eo.eo_ou_uid || '.' || eo.eo_seq_uid
Scientific Name scientific_name from element_global
Basis of Record Concatenated list of values calculated from the first character of the EO reference_code, including Specimen, Observation, Published Report, or Unpublished Report
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species and Subspecies from higher_class_unit_name and scientific_name
Scientific Name Author scientific_name.author_name
Collector where relevant - eo_specimen.specimen_desc
Year eo.last_obs_date
Continent Ocean set to “North America”, except for Hawaii = “North Pacific Ocean”
Country Nation
State/Province Concatenated list of all state_name values
County, Locality Where permission granted to provide - concatenated list of all d_county.display_value values (county name followed by state abbreviation).
Minimum Elevation where available - eo.min_elev_meters
Maximum Elevation where available - eo.max_elev_meters
Notes url of deep link to NatureServe Explorer species report

Details of Darwin core/DiGIR Extraction from Biotics 4 (Excel: 34K)


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