Green-backed Heron

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Increasing amounts of data about the Earth's plants, animals, and ecosystems are now accessible online. To complement the data provided by NatureServe and its member programs on this website, the following links provide access to other key Internet biodiversity data resources.

General Biodiversity Resources
International Initiatives
National & Regional Databases
Vertebrate Animals
Invertebrate Animals
Ecosystems & Habitats
General Environmental Resources



General Biodiversity Resources

ALL Species Foundation
Biological Records and Collections BiOSC Gateway
BiologyBrowser (BIOSIS)
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Committee on Recently Extinct Organisms (CREO)
Conservation GeoPortal
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
ITIS Canada
IUCN Red List
Red Mundial de Informacion sobre Biodiversidad (REMIB)
Species 2000
Species Analyst
The Nature Conservancy's GIS Website
Tree of Life
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
World Species List Taxa Database Plants Animals Microbes (WSL)

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International Initiatives

American Biodiversity Information Network (NABIN)
Conservation Commons
CBD Clearing-House Mechanism
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
Taxonomic Database Working Group

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National & Regional Databases

Base de Dados Tropical (Brazil)
Canadian Biodiversity Information Network
CONABIO (Mexico)
COSEWIC - Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada - COSEPAC - Comité sur la situation des espèces en péril au
Hawaii Biological Survey
INBio's Atta Database (Costa Rica)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Program
U.S. National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)
Wild Species 2000 (Canada)

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Celebrating Wildflowers
Catalog of New World Grasses
Checklist of World Ferns
North American lichens
American Bryophyte Catalog (NYBG)
Biota of North America Program (BONAP)
Flora of North America
ILDIS LegumeWeb
Index Herbariorum
Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)
Index of Fungi (CABI Bioscience)
International Plant Names Index (IPNI)
Missouri Botanical Garden W3TROPICOS
NY Botanical Garden Virtual Herbarium
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ePIC
USDA GRIN Taxonomic Database

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Vertebrate Animals

Amphibian Species of the World
Animal Diversity Web (Univ. Michigan)
Animal Info - Rare, Threatened and Endangered Mammals
Desert Fisheries Council
EMBL Reptile Database
Frog Calls
Global Amphibian Assessment
International Otter Survival Fund
Mammal Species of the World
Mammal Networked Information System (MaNIS)
NOAA Fisheries - Endangered Species
RANA (Research and Analysis Network for Neotropical Amphibians)
Smithsonian North American Mammals
World Turtle Database

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American Malacological Society
Butterflies of North America
Crayfish Home Page
Dragonfly Biodiversity
Dragonflies and Damselflies of the United States
Digital Dragonfly Museum
Ephemeroptera Galactica
Freshwater Gastropods of North America Project
Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society
Hymenoptera On-Line Database
International Association of Astacology
Large Branchiopod Bibliography
The Mayflies of North America
Mayflies of the United States
Mollusk Bibliography Database
Moths of North America
Mussel/Host Database
Nomina Plecoptera List
Nomina Trichoptera List
North American Land Snails
North American Stonefly List
Odonate Central
Social Insects Web
Stoneflies of the United States
Trichoptera World Checklist

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Ecosystems & Habitats

Checklist of Online Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps
FGDC Vegetation Subcommittee
Land Cover Products, EROS Data Center
National Geographic Wild World
ReefBase - A Global Information System On Coral Reefs Homepage
Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project 'Provisional' Landcover and Related Datasets
The State of the Nation's Ecosystems (Heinz Center)
World Wildlife Fund Ecoregions
WWF - Global 200

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General Environmental Resources

Geography Network
Last of the Wild--Global Human Footprint
National Geographic MapMachine
U.S. National Atlas



Saw Whet

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