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Welcome to the Web Page

Brought to you by Robert Plamondon,

This is the official Web site of Robert's family and his family's businesses, plus a free-range poultry Web page.

Robert's Blog
You've got questions: I've got opinions.
Norton Creek Press (our own publishing label!)
Practical poultry books for the small farmer and hobbyist.
Chickens, Poultry, Free-Range Eggs, and More
Lots of information for the hobbyist, backyarder, and free-range farmer.
High-Tech Technical Writing
My consulting business from before I returned to full-time employment.
Rural Living Articles
More useful articles.
Norton Creek Farm (run by Karen)
Our farm and how to buy stuff from us.


Other Plamondon Family Web Pages

See for the Web page run by my brothers, Peter and James.

Copyright 2005 by Robert Plamondon

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Poultry & Back-to-the-Land Info.

Main Sections

Poultry Pages
Rural Living Articles
Norton Creek Press Home

Poultry Pages

Main Page
Frequently Asked Questions
Build Brooders and Coops
Suppliers and Resources
Recommended Reading
Our Farm
Chicken Jokes
Featured Titles

Fresh-Air Poultry Houses
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Tom Slade, Boy Scout
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Ten Acres Enough
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Success With Baby Chicks
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Through Dungeons Deep
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