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Animal Health Monitoring & Surveillance

NAHSS Steering Committee

The NAHSS Steering Committee represents NAHSS stakeholders and includes representatives from livestock and poultry industries, state animal health agencies, diagnostic laboratory organizations, academic institutions, private practitioner organizations, and relevant Federal agencies.


To inform the USDA/APHIS/Veterinary Services in its efforts to establish the National Animal Health Surveillance System, primarily to interact with the National Surveillance Unit in the design, planning and implementation of efficient and accurate surveillance for relevant animal diseases and interact with other stakeholders as necessary.

The Steering Committee functions to:

  • To receive information from Veterinary Services on surveillance activities and provide individual constituent viewpoints on those activities;
  • To carry information from Veterinary Services to constituent groups and seek input;
  • To advocate for the National Animal Health Surveillance System through the represented constituencies.


Akey, Bruce Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Cornell University
Anandaraman, Neena USDA, FSIS
Bell, Dan ZZ Cattle Corporation
cattle industry representative
Cline, Ken Cline Trout Farms,
aquaculture industry representative
Elvinger, Francois Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Gaborick, Cindy USDA, APHIS, VS
Gillin, Colin Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Hardesty, Les Dairy industry representative
Hietala, Sharon California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory
Logan, Jim Wyoming Livestock Board, small ruminant industry representative
Martin, Barbara USDA, APHIS, VS, NVSL
Quitugua, Teresa Department of Homeland Security
Porter-Spalding, Barbara USDA, APHIS, VS
Salman, Mo Colorado State University
Stonger, Pat Daybreak Foods, Inc.
poultry industry representative
Timoney, Peter University of Kentucky Veterinary Sciences Department,
Equine industry representative
Webb, Patrick National Pork Board,
pork industry representative

Information For Steering Committee Members - password protected access


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