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Wednesday, June 26, 2002
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Regarding Senate Committee Welfare Reform Action

The proposal advanced by the Senate Finance Committee today falls far short of President Bush's welfare reform reauthorization principles. Instead of leading America to take the next bold step in welfare reform, it would take the nation back toward the failed entitlement programs of yesterday.

Falling back at a time of unprecedented hope and opportunity for a brighter future is a step that America's families cannot afford to take. Welfare reform has been the greatest social success story of the last 60 years, and it has worked because of its emphasis on work and helping people go to work. But our job in helping families move from welfare to work and gain the experience and skills they need to climb the career ladder is far from complete.

We look forward to working with the full Senate and the conference committee to pass a welfare reform proposal that strengthens work requirements, is fiscally responsible, promotes strong families and is more in line with President Bush's principles to provide new help and new hope for Americans working to climb out of poverty.


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Last revised: June 26, 2002