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Friday, May 10, 2002
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343


HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson today announced the appointment of Robert J. Polito as the new director of the HHS Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and the appointment of Elizabeth Seale-Scott as the Assistant to the Commissioner for Presidential Initiatives, Administration on Children, Youth and Families within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF).

Polito is the immediate past special assistant to ACF Administrator Dr. Wade Horn, where he directed the Compassion Capital Fund, which allows small faith-based and community-based organizations to highlight best practices to local, state and federal agencies for program funding.

Seale-Scott was founding director of the HHS Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, beginning March 2001. Under her leadership, the Center issued its first annual report to the White House identifying barriers to the participation of faith-based and community groups in accessing federal funds. Seale-Scott has been the department's official responsible for the initiative, and has represented the department and the administration at community meetings, conferences and events.

"Elizabeth Seale-Scott and Robert Polito are excellent examples of the talented and dedicated individuals at HHS," Secretary Thompson said. "Their professional expertise is diverse and can be utilized across many segments of the department. That's a very unique combination, and I am excited that their contributions will continue to benefit HHS."

As the new Center director, Polito will be responsible for managing the department's efforts to identify and remove barriers to the participation of faith-based and community groups in accessing federal funds. He will also manage the compilation of an annual report to the White House on the department's progress.

In her new role, Seale-Scott will draw from her extensive and varied background in education to work on the President's Early Childhood Initiative, "Good Start, Grow Smart," which involves the Head Start Bureau, Children's Bureau and Child Care Bureau at ACF. This initiative will aim to strengthen Head Start and other child-care programs, and to ensure accountability in standards of early literacy, language and numeric skills.


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