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Friday, April 19, 2002
Contact: FDA Press Office
(301) 827-6250


HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson today launched a new initiative to further ensure the safety and effectiveness of drugs used to treat children and promised to continue to enforce the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rule requiring companies to take steps to ensure drugs are properly labeled for pediatric use based on scientific studies.

"Children need access to the same kinds of safe, effective treatments that are available to their parents, and that means conducting appropriate clinical trials," Secretary Thompson said. "We will enforce and improve the FDA's pediatric rule as we simultaneously take additional steps made possible when President Bush signed new legislation to promote the development of drugs that can save children's lives."

Key elements of HHS' pediatric drug initiative include:

"Through today's actions, we hope to use all the tools Congress has given us to ensure that drugs used in the treatment of children are indeed safe and effective," FDA Deputy Commissioner Dr. Lester Crawford said. "In addition, we want to ensure that adequate, good scientific information on the use of these products in children is made known to practitioners and parents so that they can make truly informed decisions regarding the use of these products."

"NIH will continue to work with the FDA and the pediatric community to get the BPCA program successfully initiated," said
Dr. Duane Alexander, director of NIH's National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. "The sooner we get this program underway, the sooner America's children can benefit from it."


Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are available at