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Friday, April 19, 2002
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Signing Establishes Labor-Management Cooperation Council

HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson has signed a Labor-Management Cooperation Agreement in order to enhance and maintain a strong, cooperative relationship between labor and management at all levels of HHS, and at all HHS work sites nationwide. The cooperation agreement is grounded in a shared belief that both management and labor must cooperate in a supportive environment to achieve mutually agreed upon interests to better serve the public and deliver essential human services, Secretary Thompson said.

The cooperation agreement was developed by an18-member Labor-Management Cooperation Council, which will serve to help implement measures outlined in the President's Management Agenda for effective federal leadership, including Secretary Thompson's vision of "One Department" providing effective programs and services for the American people.

"The key to an effective organization and outstanding productivity is to ensure that all levels of management -- agency heads, directors and managers -- are in step with the needs of employees and the overall workforce," Secretary Thompson said. "Conversely, it's important that employees know and understand the decision-making process behind management initiatives. The Labor Management Cooperation Council will serve as the driving force behind implementing the goals of the agreement."

The council will identify HHS-wide strategies, policies, programs, tools and initiatives that will help HHS management and union officials achieve agreement goals; work with designated individuals, teams, groups and organizations to advise, assist, monitor and approve development and implementation of the agreement.

Work plan elements for the council in 2002 consist of improving organizational effectiveness, strengthening labor-management cooperation, and improving employee communication.

One representative from each HHS operating division will comprise the council, as well as one representative from the American Federation of Government Employees, the Laborers International Union of North America and the National Treasury Employees Union.

Today's agreement was signed by Colleen Kelley, national president, National Treasury Employees Union; Bobby Harnage, national president, American Federation of Government Employees; Bob Purcell, director of the public employees department, Laborers International Union of North America; as well as Secretary Thompson and the heads of HHS' operating divisions.


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