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Monday, Feb. 18, 2002
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Secretary Thompson sends 26 now, possibly more later

Secretary Tommy G. Thompson dispatched 26 Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT) personnel to Noble, Georgia, to assist in the recovery, identification, and decontamination efforts. Secretary Thompson received a request from the State of Georgia to assist in the planning and response to the recent discovery at the Walker County Tri-State Crematory site.

"This is a tragedy for everybody involved," Secretary Thompson said. "The Department of Health and Human Services will work with the state and local government to help these families. We will do whatever we can to assist in the healing process."

Among the DMORT personnel and equipment sent to Georgia include four forensic pathologists, four anthropologists, eight mortuary experts, HHS' portable morgue, four staff for the morgue, and six operations professionals to oversee and manage the on-site effort.

The federal DMORT officials were dispatched late Sunday and are expected to be operational Tuesday, February 19. It is anticipated that as the investigation continues, more DMORT personnel may be sent to Georgia to assist in the efforts.

"Once our first group of DMORT personnel gets to the site and talks with the state and local officials, we will have a better idea of what is needed," Secretary Thompson said. "Families, as well as state and local officials, should rest assured that any assistance they need is just a phone call away."

Secretary Thompson has activated the DMORT personnel using his authority under Section 311 of the Public Health Service Act.

Currently, the Department of Health and Human Services also has DMORT personnel in New York City working at the World Trade Center. Other recent DMORT deployments include Somerset County, PA, and the crash of Flight 587 in the New York City borough of Queens.


Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are available at