Population Action International


Shape of Things To Come Interactive Database

The new Shape of Things to Come Interactive Database brings the findings of this landmark publication to life! With just a few mouse clicks you can compare population profiles of up to three countries at a time, view world age structure maps from the past, present and future and much more.


Progress & Promises - Trends in International Assistance for Reproductive Health and Population

April 6, 2004 – Read the report and database. Progress & Promises Database: Features a report card of 21 donor countries and an interactive database of donor country funding and policies for population assistance.


People in the Balance Interactive Database – New Natural Resources and Population Data

The interactive maps and data tables presented in this database chronicle the growing scarcity of natural resources in many of the world's countries. In each of the natural resource categories—water, land, forests, fisheries, carbon dioxide and biodiversity— there is a paragraph summarizing the global situation and an interactive map for that resource, along with one or more illustrative charts or world maps, a complete set of country data and a search engine that allows queries about specific countries and their natural resource availability or use.

The Global Advocates' Country Database

The Global Advocates' Country Database compiles and presents information on 192 countries across a variety of indicators. Please select a country using the drop-down menu to see all data for that country, or use the tabs below to view global results for specific indicators.

ICPD at Ten

This database compiles and presents information on 133 countries and where they rank against 13 indicators of reproductive health and general development. Use the search methods below to access specific country data, to identify countries at a specific risk level or to view all countries, their risk levels and assessments of progress.