*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1994.05.11 : Statement Responding to Mainstream Forum Welfare Plan Contact: IOS/Public Affairs Melissa Skolfield Wednesday, May 11, 1994 (202) 690-6853 STATEMENT RESPONDING TO MAINSTREAM FORUM PLAN Mary Jo Bane, David Ellwood and Bruce Reed, co-chairs of President Clinton's Working Group on Welfare Reform, issued the following statement today in response to the introduction of welfare reform legislation by members of the Mainstream Forum: "The members of the Mainstream Forum have introduced a thoughtful and effective piece of legislation, which in many ways mirrors the recommendations of the President's working group on welfare reform. We applaud their emphasis on rewarding work, demanding responsibility, providing opportunity and promoting the family. Following President Clinton's vision, their bill correctly focuses on restoring basic values to a welfare system that is badly in need of reform. "Like the President's plan, this legislation is based on a simple compact. Support, job training and child care will be provided to help people move from dependence to independence. But after two years, anyone who can work, must work - in the private sector if possible, in a public service job if necessary. "The introduction of this legislation is further proof of the broad consensus in Congress on the President's blueprint for fundamental change in the welfare system. The emphasis on work, child support enforcement and prevention of teen pregnancy is very much in keeping with the President's goals. "We look forward to working with members of the Mainstream Forum, and other members of Congress in both houses and of both parties, to pass legislation to make welfare what it ought to be: a transitional system leading to work. We also look forward to working with Congress on the development of a balanced, fair, deficit-neutral financing package." ###