*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1994.02.14 : Appointment of Sandra Perlmutter to President's Council on Physical Fitness FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: HHS Press Office Monday, Feb. 14, 1994 (202) 690-6343 Sandra P. Perlmutter has been appointed by President Clinton as executive director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Ms. Perlmutter, 41, of Washington, D.C., is the first woman to hold the position in the 38-year history of the council, and "is an avid runner with a strong commitment to physical fitness and sports," according to HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala. A management expert, Ms. Perlmutter was serving as vice president of Celebrity Service International, Inc. in charge of the agency's Washington office when tapped for her new position. She also was media columnist for Washington Life magazine. She worked for more than 12 years as assistant secretary for the Democratic National Committee, leaving the DNC staff in late 1989. She called the nomination "roll of the states" at the party's national conventions in New York, 1980; San Francisco, 1984; and Atlanta, 1988. Council co-chairs Florence Griffith Joyner and Tom McMillen said: "We are fortunate in having someone with Ms. Perlmutter's great leadership and experience to guide the council in its day-to-day operations. She will be a great resource to the president and the council in our efforts to improve the fitness of the youth, adults, seniors, the disabled and minorities in America. "We look forward to a stimulating period with new ideas and programs that recognize the role of fitness in the health care reform discussions and the presidential mandate to the council that fitness is for all." Ms. Perlmutter is a native of Washington. She received her bachelor's degree in education and speech pathology/audiology, with honors, from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1974. She has done graduate study at George Washington University. After leaving the DNC staff, she became a consultant to a government affairs firm and a newspaper company. In 1991, she became director of communications for the Close-Up Foundation, a national non-profit education organization. She has published and edited eight books. Ms. Perlmutter was listed in The World Who's Who of Women, Who's Who of American Women and Who's Who in American Politics. She has recently completed her third term as an executive board member of the American Association of Young Political Leaders.