*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.07.16 : Medicare -- Practicing Physician Advisory Council Contact: Bob Hardy (202) 245-6145 July 16, 1991 Medicare is seeking nominations for members to serve on a council advising HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., and Medicare administrator Gail R. Wilensky, Ph.D., on proposed changes in Medicare regulations affecting physician services. The 15-member Practicing Physicians Advisory Council was mandated by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. The council will examine changes in Medicare regulations and manual instructions sent to Medicare claims processors. Its deliberations will be used to advise the secretary and the administrator of the Health Care Financing Administration about the effect of Medicare regulations on physicians' ability to provide quality and cost- effective health care services to beneficiaries. To the extent possible, the council will provide its views prior to the publication of any proposed changes. Nominations to the Practicing Physicians Advisory Council must be submitted by medical organizations. Each physician must have submitted at least 250 Medicare claims in the previous year. The council is required to include both Medicare participating physicians and non-participating physicians, as well as those practicing in rural and underserved urban areas. Nominations must state that the nominee is aware of his nomination and is willing to serve. Potential candidates will be asked to provide detailed information on financial holdings and potential conflicts of interest. Nominations must be postmarked by 5 p.m. on the 30th day from today's Federal Register announcement. All nominations should be submitted to Louis F. Rossiter, Ph.D., Executive Director, Practicing Physicians Advisory Council, Office of the Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration, Rm. 315-G, 200 Independence Ave. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201. ###