*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.06.25 : Awards -- Project CARE (National Eldercare Campaign) Contact: Katie Miller (202) 245-2760 June 25, 1991 HHS Commissioner on Aging Joyce T. Berry, Ph.D., today announced the availability of $5 million in grants to states for Project CARE (Community Action to Reach the Elderly), a demonstration to build community coalitions to help older people who are at risk of losing their self-sufficiency. Project CARE is part of the Administration on Aging's recently launched National Eldercare Campaign--a nationwide, multi-year effort to expand support for aging issues to sectors of society which have not traditionally been involved. The Project CARE demonstration will provide financial assistance for three sites in each state in the country. Each community, with the assistance of its respective State and Area Agency on Aging, will develop a strategy to build coalitions of organizations and individuals whose primary agenda is not aging. These groups will provide new partners, ideas, and approaches to mobilizing community resources and responding to the needs of vulnerable older people. "Project CARE is at the heart of the Eldercare campaign," said Berry in announcing the demonstrations. "It will build on the aging network's successful coalition-building with aging organizations and service providers. State and area agencies will - More - - 2 - now add an additional constituency which will result in new solutions and more responsive assistance to vulnerable older persons. "Caring for older people begins first with the older person and the family," said Berry. "When self-care is no longer possible for the older person, the national network of aging organizations and agencies is available to help. But, every community also needs to mobilize its own talents--individually and collectively--to improve the quality of life for every older American. Project CARE will augment already existing coalitions by developing indigenous leadership to assume responsibility for marshaling community-wide support. Eldercare coalitions will demonstrate that the public, private, and voluntary sectors can mobilize around an eldercare agenda and cooperate effectively in providing services for vulnerable older people." State Agencies on Aging were notified on May 8 that Project CARE funds are available, and applications for the demonstration funds were submitted to the Administration on Aging by June 24. Project CARE grants will be awarded by Sept. 30. ###