*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.02.07 : Black History Month Contact: Moses Newson 202/245-6343 February 7, 1991 HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., has announced that a special program and weekly workshops emphasizing the contribution of black people throughout history will be co- sponsored by four federal agencies during Black History Month. Dr. Charles S. Finch III, M.D., assistant director of international health at Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, will address the special program Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. in the Great Hall of the Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Ave. S.W. Anthony T. Browder, founder and director of the Institute of Karmic Guidance in Washington, D.C., will conduct the Feb. 7, 14, 21 and 28 workshops which will run from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Feb. 7, 14 and 28 workshops will be held in HHS' Cohen Building Auditorium, 330 Independence Ave. S.W. The one on Feb. 21 will be in the Education Department's FOB-6 Barnard Auditorium, 400 Maryland Ave. S.W. Joining the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education in co-sponsoring the events are the United States Information Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The theme of this year's 66th anniversary celebration of the observance started by Carter G. Woodson is "Educating America: Black Universities and Colleges -- Strengths and Crises." - More - - 2 - Other participants in the special program on Feb 20 include Michael J. Calhoun, HHS chief of staff, presiding; and the Rev. Vashti M. McKenzie, pastor of the Payne AME Memorial Church in Baltimore. Music will be provided by the Social Security Administration chorus, John Pitts, director. Finch and Browder are among the nation's foremost African- centric experts and lecturers. They cover contributions of black people from civilization's beginning to the present. Finch, a board-certified family physician, has been at the Morehouse School of Medicine since 1982. He is a 1971 graduate of Yale University and completed his M.D. degree at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia in 1976. He did specialty study in family medicine at the University of California Irvine Medical Center and spent two years as an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control. Widely traveled in Africa, Finch has written articles for publications such as the Journal of African Civilizations, the Washington Post and the Atlanta Journal and Constitution on topics that included: "Race and Revolution in Prehistory," "The Black Roots of Egypt's Glory" and "Africa and Palestine in Antiquity." Browder, a graduate of Howard University's College of Fine Arts, describes himself as a chronicler of facts and information relative to the positive portrayal of the worldwide African experience. His Institute of Karmic Guidance is a culturally oriented organization that is dedicated to the dissemination of Ancient Egyptian history and metaphysics. It includes a speakers' bureau, sponsors lectures and publishes the newsletter Human Insights. Workshop topics are: Feb. 7, "African Contributions to Civilization"; Feb. 14, "African Influence on Religion"; Feb. 21, "African Americans and American History"; and Feb. 28, "The Melanin Report," a discussion of the significance of melanin, what it is, how it works and its vital role in human development and well-being. ####