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Date: Friday, March 13, 1998
Contact:  HHS Press Office  (202) 690-6343


Today, the President accepted the final report from his Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality, which calls for a health quality council to develop unprecedented national quality improvement goals and a privately-administered forum to develop new tools to empower consumers and businesses to purchase quality health care. The President praised the Commission's work and endorsed its new recommendations for a national effort to improve quality throughout the health care system.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans each year are injured and even die from avoidable medical errors in the health care system, and millions more receive unnecessary services or substandard care that cause needless health complications and increase health care costs. Establishing uniform standards will help ensure that health plans finally begin to compete on the basis of quality - not just costs and benefits.

To implement these new recommendations, the President also issued an Executive Memorandum that directs five Federal agencies to establish immediately an interagency task force to ensure the Federal government takes the lead on improving health care quality. The President also asked the Vice President to hold a blue ribbon planning meeting this June to kick off the work of the health care forum recommended by the Quality Commission.

NUMEROUS INCONSISTENCIES AND AVOIDABLE ERRORS IN THE NATION'S HEALTH CARE SYSTEM COST LIVES AND UNDERMINE HEALTH. Too many Americans receive substandard health care, causing avoidable injuries and death, needless complications, and increased health care costs, including:

HEALTH CARE. The President endorsed the Commission's recommendations which call for: ISSUED A PRESIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM DIRECTING AGENCIES TO DEVELOP A FEDERAL TASK FORCE TO COORDINATE AND IMPROVE HEALTH QUALITY. The President directed the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, Veterans Affairs, Defense, and the Office of Personnel Management to establish the "Quality Interagency Coordination" (QuIC) task force. He directed this task force to ensure better collaboration and coordination across the Federal government, through initiatives such as developing consistent goals, models, and timetables; sharing information about evidence-based medical research and quality outcomes, and coordinating Federal programs' quality reporting and compliance requirements.

RENEWED HIS CALL ON CONGRESS TO PASS A PATIENTS' BELL OF RIGHTS THIS YEAR. Following his speech earlier in the week to the American Medical Association, the President urged Congress to step up its efforts to pass a Patients' Bill of Rights this year. He also asked Congress to ensure that the Patients' Bill of Rights includes the health care quality council he endorsed today. With less than 70 working days in this legislative session, the President urged Congress not to adjourn without passing a Patients' Bill of Rights which includes important protections for patients such as: access to the specialists they need, access to emergency room services, and an external appeals process to address grievances with their health plans.