*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1993.04.07 : Appointment -- Wendell Primus Contact: Campbell Gardett (202) 690-6343 April 7, 1993 HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala has announced that she will appoint Wendell E. Primus, 46, of McLean, Va., as deputy assistant secretary for planning and evaluation/human services policy in the Department of Health and Human Services. In this position, Primus will be responsible for policy development and research on issues relating to Social Security, disability, welfare and human services, including children and youth programs. Primus comes to HHS from Capitol Hill where since 1991 he had served as staff director of the Subcommittee on Human Resources, House Ways and Means Committee. Since 1987, he also had served as chief economist for the House Ways and Means Committee. He was senior staff economist for the committee from 1977 to 1987. With the subcommittee, he was primary staff author of such major legislative initiatives as the Downey/Hyde Child Support Enforcement and Assurance Proposal and the Gore/Downey Working Family Tax Relief Act. With the committee, he served since 1981 as editor of "The Green Book," which detailed federal spending programs under the jurisdiction of the Ways and Means Committee. During his years on Capitol Hill, Primus' responsibilities spanned a wide range of issues. He played a major role in budget reform, and also served as Ways and Means Committee staff liaison to the House Budget Committee and the Congressional Budget Office. As staff director and a senior advisor, he made important contributions in the areas of child support, social services, welfare in general, as well as child welfare in particular. Primus was assistant professor of economics at Georgetown University from 1974 to 1977, a period during which he also served as a consultant for the Mincome Manitoba Income Experiment and for the House Committee on Agriculture. Between 1969 and 1975, he was director of programming and data processing for the Rural NIT Experiment, University of Wisconsin. He also taught economics at Iowa State University (1971-1972) and during 1966- 1969, developed and adapted computer programs at Iowa State University for use in special economics research. Primus was born in Eldora, Iowa. He received his bachelor's degree in economics (1968) and doctorate in economics philosophy (1975) from Iowa State University. His writings include: "Tax Policy and Income Distribution," for Personal Saving, Consumption & Tax Policy, 1992; "Children in - More - Poverty: A Committee Prepares for an Informed Debate," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1990; "Financing Medicare Through 1995," National Journal, 1982; and "Tax Incentives for the Promotion of Competition in the Delivery of Health Services," for the Health Care and Industrial Relations Conference Proceedings, University of California, 1981. Primus is a member of the American Economic Association, the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, and the National Academy of Social Insurance. ###