*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1993.02.10 : Appointment -- Claudia Cooley Contact: Campbell Gardett (202) 690-6343 February 10, 1993 HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala has announced the appointment of Claudia Cooley of Washington, D.C., as executive secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services. As executive secretary, Ms. Cooley, 48, serves as an adviser to the secretary with broad responsibilities that require her involvement in policy and programs throughout the department. In addition, she coordinates policy and program activities with other federal departments and the White House. Ms. Cooley came to HHS after a 25-year career with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, having served there since 1986 as associate director for personnel systems and oversight. She was responsible for a wide variety of federal human resources management policies and programs. Ms. Cooley directed the OPM technical/policy staff that shaped and implemented landmark legislative reform of the federal white-collar pay system, conceived and launched a new research office to promote innovation in personnel management and developed a government-wide policy on AIDS in the workplace which serves as a model for other employers. She was born in Rochester, N.Y., March 11, 1944. She received her bachelor of arts degree with distinction from Mt. Holyoke College, 1966, and her master's in public administration from the University of Michigan in 1967. Ms. Cooley started her federal career in 1967 as a management intern with the Civil Service Commission. Over the years she held line and staff positions that spanned a range of program areas. During l978-1979, she played a key role in setting up the new Office of Personnel Management and assisting federal agencies in implementing the Civil Service Reform Act. In 1980, Ms. Cooley was elevated to the Senior Executive Service with her appointment as an assistant director for agency relations. She became deputy associate director for compensation in 1981 with responsibility for federal retirement and insurance programs. During 1985-1991, along with her OPM responsibilities, she served as a member of the International Civil Service Commission, the personnel policymaking body for the United Nations and its specialized agencies. Career honors she has received include the Presidential Distinguished Executive Rank Award, 1989; Presidential Meritorious Executive Rank Award, 1986; and the Director's Award for Distinguished Service, in 1984 and in 1990. Ms. Cooley resides in Northwest Washington with her husband, Graeme Bell, who is an attorney with the firm of Crowell and Moring. ###