Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

The Keys for Seeking Declassification of Government Documents Protected by E.O. 12958, As Amended:

Mandatory Declassification Review Requests: Permits individuals or agencies to require an agency to review specific classified national security information for purposes of seeking its declassification.
  • Allows historians, researchers, and other members of the public to identify documents and or information pertinent to their research.
  • Agency points of contact for mandatory declassification review programs are listed in the Federal Register or available on the agency websites.
  • Appeals to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): An appellate body that individuals or agencies may appeal mandatory declassification review decisions that have been denied at the agency level.
  • Provides the necessary checks and balances for the mandatory declassification review program.
  • Provides a venue for presenting appeals to a neutral body.
For additional information contact the ISCAP staff at: or refer to:

Automatic Declassification: Pertains to agencies with original classification authority (past and current). Information appraised as having permanent historical value is automatically declassified once it reaches 25 years of age unless an agency head has determined that it falls within a narrow exemption that permits continued classification and it has been appropriately approved.
  • December 31, 2006: By this date Executive branch agencies with original classification authority (past and current) are expected to have either completed the declassification of their eligible records, properly exempted them or taken other appropriate action as defined in the Order and ISOO implementing directives.

Systematic Review for Declassification: A complementary program to automatic declassification. Requires all agencies that originate classified information to establish and conduct a systematic declassification review program for classified permanently valuable records for the purpose of declassification after the records reach a specific age. Records exempted from automatic declassification are subject to the systematic review program.

For additional information contact the Information Security Oversight Office at:;; by phone at 202-219-5250, or fax at 202-219-5385.

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