Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Site Index

The answer to your question may already be on the AAFC website, and checking out the site index could help you find it. The full structure and arrangement of content on AAFC can be found on the site index.


If you are looking for an answer to a very specific question, the search function may be the most effective tool. To find all the information that AAFC Online has to offer on your subject of interest, try searching.


If you are having trouble accessing certain portions of the AAFC website, it may be because you are lacking necessary software programs. Information on these programs, as well as links to download them, can be found in the accessibility section.

Helpful Hints

  • Select tabs at top of page to go to another area of the website (example: Science)
  • Selecting highlighted navigation trail (example: Home > Help) will return you to your last location.

Contact Us

If none of the information found on this help page is useful in answering your question or fixing your problem, you may need outside help. In that case, please Contact Us.