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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Studies

SNAP Other Studies

Calculating the Food Stamp Program Access Index: A Step-By-Step Guide - October 2008

Entire Report (63 KB)

Feasibility of Assessing Causes of State Variation in Food Stamp Program Administrative Costs: Final Report - September 2008

Report Summary (31 KB)

Entire Report (1.24 MB)

Calculating the Food Stamp Program Access Index: A Step-By-Step Guide - October 2007

Entire Report (63 KB)

Calculating the Food Stamp Program Access Index: A Step-By-Step Guide - September 2006

Calculating the Food Stamp Participant Access Rate: A Step-By-Step Guide - October 2005

Making America Stronger: A Profile of the Food Stamp Program - September 2005

Entire Report (1.34 MB)

Calculating the Food Stamp Participant Access Rate: A Step-By-Step Guide - November 2004

For reports published before 2003, visit the archives.

Last modified: 12/04/2008