Fruit Facts

Fruit Facts are a series of publications containing information on individual fruits, including botanical identification, plant description and culture notes, and characteristics of cultivars. The information is derived from growers experience based largely on California research, as well as various published sources. Some of the more important published sources quoted include All About Growing Citrus and Subtropical Fruit (Ortho Books,1985); Fruit for the Home and Garden, by Leslie Johns and Violet Stevenson (Angus and Robertson, 1985); Fruits of Warm Climates, by Julia F. Morton (1987); Lost Crops of the Incas (National Academy Press, 1989); Manual of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, by Wilson Popenoe (1920, reprinted 1974 by Hafner Press); Uncommon Fruits Worthy of Attention, by Lee Reich (Addison-Wesley, 1991); Tropical Fruits, 2nd ed., by J.A. Samson (Longman, 1986); and Tropical Fruit, by Glenn Tankard (Viking O'Neal, 1987). The Morton book is a particularly valuable source of information on a wide selection of tropical and subtropical plants. Many of the cultivar descriptions were adapted from Stephen Facciola's useful book, Cornucopia: a Source Book of Edible Plants. The Ortho, Morton, Reich and Tankard books are available through CRFG Book Service.

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Fruit Facts are available on-line for:

Volume 1:

Volume 2:

Volume 3:

In addition to the on-line version, printed copies of these fact sheets are available from CRFG and are also distributed through chapters and some nurseries.
See the CRFG Specialty Book Service page for ordering information.

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