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Policy Statements

GED — The Purdue University Division of Financial Aid administers federal, state, and University financial assistance programs. These programs require students to have a high school diploma, GED, or pass a test approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Information regarding the GED or the approved tests is available through any public high school or any state department of education/public instruction.

Graduation Rates — Graduation rates for the West Lafayette campus are available in the Office of Enrollment Management, Schleman Hall, 475 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2050, (765) 494-0292, These rates are calculated and made available as required by the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act.

Alcohol Policy — Purdue students are subject to Indiana law, which prohibits consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages by anyone under 21 years of age. The University does not permit alcohol to be brought onto Purdue property, with certain exceptions, by any person regardless of age. Fraternity and sorority houses and student cooperative housing units are considered off campus housing and are permitted to have alcoholic beverages, but they must observe specific University guidelines and state law.

The University does not have the responsibility or the authority to control off-campus student drinking, but it does attempt to give students the opportunity to make informed and mature decisions about alcohol use. A variety of educational and counseling programs are offered to help students deal with all aspects of alcohol and drug use, from peer pressure to dependency.

Housing — University housing, facilities, and programs are available to all students based on Purdue’s policy of equal opportunity regardless of national origin, race, or religion. It is the University’s desire and expectation that all others providing housing or services to Purdue students will do so in a manner consistent with this policy. However, the University does not approve or disapprove specific housing accommodations since it believes that the choice of housing rests with you, the student.

Immunization — Indiana state law requires proof of immunization for the following vaccine preventable diseases as condition of enrollment on residential campuses of state universities: rubeola (10-day measles), mumps, rubella (German measles), diphtheria, and tetanus. In addition, international students must provide documentation that they have been tested for tuberculosis after arriving in the United States. Information regarding compliance will be forwarded to all admitted students.

Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
Purdue University is committed to maintaining a community which recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the University seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The University believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.

Purdue University views, evaluates, and treats all persons in any University related activity or circumstance in which they may be involved, solely as individuals on the basis of their own personal abilities, qualifications, and other relevant characteristics.

Purdue University prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a veteran. The University will conduct its programs, services and activities consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders and in conformance with the procedures and limitations as set forth in Executive Memorandum No. D-1, which provides specific contractual rights and remedies. Additionally, the University promotes the full realization of equal employment opportunity for women, minorities, persons with disabilities and veterans through its affirmative action program.

Placement — Information about employment and placement of recent Purdue graduates is available upon request from the Purdue Center for Career Opportunities, Stewart Center, West Lafayette, IN 47907.

Records — All records submitted by and on behalf of an applicant become the property of Purdue.

Residence — Purdue reserves the right to request documentary evidence in support of a residence claim.

Safety — The University strives to provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff, and visitors. The University distributes an Annual Security Report containing campus crime statistics and information relating to campus safety and security policies and programs. The Report is available online. A paper copy may be requested by calling (765) 494-8221 or contacting the Purdue University Police Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.

Social Security Number — The Social Security number (SSN) is requested as the most effective way to uniquely identify you to accurately process your application and match it with other records such as SAT or ACT scores, transcripts, and financial aid. Its use is restricted to secure University business processes, such as those necessary for federal and state reporting as well as institutional purposes. Applicants are not required to provide their SSN.

Students with Disabilities — Purdue University is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity to university courses, activities, and programs for students with disabilities. Students with documented disabilities that substantially limit a major life activity, such as learning, walking, or seeing, may qualify for academic adjustments and/or services. To request information about academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, or services, please contact the Disability Resource Center in the Office of the Dean of Students, 830 Young Hall, (765) 494-1247 (V/TTY),

Veterans — A veteran must submit a copy of the Form DD214 after completion of service in the armed forces for possible credit for military service experience.

Intellectual Property — All students are subject to the University policy on intellectual property, which is available online.

PUID — Upon admission to Purdue University, you will be assigned a ten-digit Purdue identification number (PUID). This number will be your official University identifier and will appear on your Purdue identification card. Your PUID will be required for your secure access to many University services and personal records and should not be shared with anyone.

Office of Admissions, 475 Stadium Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2050
(765) 494-1776, TTY: (765) 496-1373,
© 2008 Purdue University. An equal access/equal opportunity university.