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NAHLN-Related Publications (all PDF)


NAHLN Brochure (2263KB)

NAHLN Information Cards
Avian Influenza and Exotic Newcastle Disease (171KB)
Classical Swine Fever (168 KB)
Information Technology System (48 KB)
Laboratory Designations (170 KB)

NAHLN Briefing (114 KB)

NAHLN Update (992 KB)
     Note: This presentation is available in Microsoft Powerpoint      format upon request.

NAHLN Founding Principles (426 KB)
      Note: This presentation is available in Microsoft Powerpoint      format upon request.

AAVLD/NAHLN White Paper, 2002 (275KB)
        Background, benefits, risk, what's needed

AAVLD/NAHLN White Paper, 2005 (55KB)
        Progress and plans, needs for full implementation and         increased funding

Policy Regarding Evaluation of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories for Membership in the NAHLN (25KB)

Laboratory Qualification Checklist for Membership in NAHLN (68KB)

Approved NVSL SOPs for NAHLN and Program Diseases (20KB)


Last Modified: October 29, 2008