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News and Information

Media Contact: Julie Christensen, U of M Extension, (612) 626-4077,

On-Farm Hoof Care Workshop set for three sites in August

ST. PAUL, Minn. (8/6/2007) — The University of Minnesota is hosting an “On-Farm Hoof Care Workshop” at three sites in August. The program runs from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with registration beginning at 9:30 a.m. The cost will be $5 per person, which includes plastic boots, handout materials and lunch.

The on-farm workshop program agenda will cover the following:

Dairies hosting this program are:

Speakers will include Marcia Endres (University of Minnesota), Dwight Kickhafer (Zinpro Corporation), and Brian Husfeldt, Andrew LeClair, or Bill Abrahamzon (hoof trimmer for each respective dairy).

The program is sponsored by University of Minnesota Extension, Minnesota Dairy Initiatives, and Zinpro Corporation. For more program information, visit or contact Marcia Endres at (612) 624-5391.

Source: Marcia Endres, Extension dairy specialist

NOTE: News releases were current as of the date of issue. If you have a question on older releases, use the news release search (upper left-hand column of the News main page) or the main Extension search (upper right of this page) to locate more recent information.

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