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Carbon Emissions Offset

Global warming is caused by the build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels to provide the energy and services we use every day. We burn fossil fuels for electricity (from coal and gas) in our homes and businesses, our cars, flights and to create the food, clothes and other things we buy and consume every day.

Carbon offsets enable individuals and businesses to reduce the CO2 emissions they are responsible for by offsetting, reducing or displacing the CO2 in another place, typically where it is more economical to do so.  Carbon offsets typically include renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects.

Carbon emission offsetting can be used to offset the inevitable CO2 pollution after you have done your best to try to avoid the pollution in the first place. The danger of carbon offsetting is to postpone real solutions to solve the problem of global warming and other pollution. To the big nay sayers we would like to say: do you manage to live completely pollution-free? (Even the production of PV solar panels requires energy, usually not clean energy!)   How to become climate neutral (Wikipedia)

Key points to look for when choosing an offsetting service: is there any other way this pollution can be prevented or reduced before offsetting, is the carbon offsetting service verified, do their projects offer 'additionality'?

 How much does Carbon Offsetting cost?  Price survey!

Example: a mid-sized 30 mpg car driving 12,000 miles/year will create about 3.55 tons of CO2/year. Using the carbon calculator of one of the companies which are listed here, we figured this would cost only about $19.50 or $1.63/month to be offset!

It is up to each of us to clean our own mess, obviously the government can't and won't do it (alone). Signing up with any of these programs might effectively reduce your CO2 contributions to ZERO!   (All prices in US$ or British Pound where indicated)

This survey is strictly © of and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission Carbon Offset Survey
(Prices are for individuals, businesses may be able to get volume discounts)

Carbon Offset Provider Price (US$/Metric ton CO2) Non-profit Projects Types Project Choice Offset Types Product Certification/
(Links see below table)
Verus Carbon Neutral
$2.34 (varies with CCX price) NoVarious NoPersonal, Business Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX)
$5.00 NoRenewables,  Reforestation NoHome, Car, Air Chicago Climate Exchange, Environmental Resources Trust
AtmosClear Climate Club
$5.40a - $25.00 NoMethane NoCar, Home Environmental Resources Trust
$10.00 YesRenewables, Efficiency, Reforestation YesHome, Car, Air, Events, Business Environmental Resources Trust, Climate Community and Biodiversity Standards, Chicago Climate Exchange, UNFCCC JI
Carbon Footprint Offsetters
$10.00 (CER's) NoRenewables NoPersonal, Business EcoLogo, CCX
$12.00 YesEfficiency NoCar Chicago Climate Exchange
The CarbonNeutral Company
$12.64 (USA)
£7.50 (UK VAT incl.)
NoRenewables, Efficiency, Reforestation,
YesCar, Air, Events, Business, Deliveries, + many others CDM Gold Standard, Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management, Independent Advisory Committee,
UNFCCC JI, PricewaterhouseCoopers
$13.12 NoRenewables, Methane NoCar, Home, Air, Events, Business Chicago Climate Exchange, Center for Resource Solutions
$13.50-25.00 NoRenewables, Efficiency, Carbon Sequestration YesCar, Home, Air, Events, Custom VCS, Gold Standard, CDM, Green-e Energy (for RECs)
ClearSky Climate Solutions
$15.00 NoForestry/reforestation, Methane YesPersonal, Car, Air, Custom packages for businesses, events, and organizations Chicago Climate Exchange, Climate Community and Biodiversity Standard
Standard Carbon
$15.00 NoMethane, Efficiency, Renewables, Carbon Sequestration NoCar, Air, Sea, Events, Political Campaigns Chicago Climate Exchange
Sustainable travel International
US, Switzerland
$15.25 YesRenewables NoAir, Car, Home, Hotel See Myclimate
Climate Friendly
$16.00-19.00 NoRenewables NoHome, Car, Air, Business Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator, NSW Government, Ernst & Young. 
Enviro Friendly Products
$19.00 NoEfficiency, Reforestation NoHome, Vehicle, Personal, Travel, Event, Business NGAC
Uncook the Planet
$19.45 NoEfficiency NoAir, Car, Home, Business Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme Project
Bonneville Environmental Foundation
$29.00 YesRenewables NoHome, Air, Business, Event Green-e Climate Certified
$33.00-99.00 YesRenewables YesAir, Events, Business Designated Operational Entity

Services Accredited by or Products from CDM only

£16.95 NoVarious, depending on CDM offset projects NoCar, Air, Motorbike Home, Commute, Business CDM
Carbon Passport
£17.50No Renewables, Methane NoHome, Air, Car, BusinessCDM
Global Cool
£20.00 YesRenewables, Efficiency Non/a CDM

Services for which we couldn't find accepted independent product certification or verification information for all products

Carbon Offset ProviderPrice (US$/Metric ton CO2) Non-profitProjects Types Project ChoiceOffset Types Product Certification/
Solar Electric Light Fund
$10.00 YesRenewables NoExternal Calculators n/a
Native Energy
$15.43 NoRenewables, Methane YesHome, Car, Air, Events, Business Environmental Resources Trust (Business projects)
Carbon Clear
£7.23-7.46 NoRenewables,
Efficiency, Reforestation
NoHome, Car, Air, Babies n/a
$17.00 NoMethane, Renewables, Sustainable Forest Management NoHome, Car, Air CDM, California Climate Action Registry, CCX
Bleu Ventures Carbon Offset
$24.00-28.00 YesEfficiency, Renewable energy stove programmes YesLife, Air , Business, Travel, or on request Ticos for South Africa projects
Cleaner Climate
UK & Australia
$15.00-18.00 NoRenewables, Efficiency NoAir, Car, Home, Business Projects may be verified by CDM Gold Standard
  a:  Atmos Clear - Low price for 25 Ton option at $135
1. Offset Types: There are hundreds of potential offset types. We have limited our survey to just the most common.
2. Verification: "n/a" means we were unable to determine a third-party verification body. The projects may, however, be verified.
3. Choice: refers to whether customers may choose between project types and/or specific projects.
4. Price: prices change and exchange rates fluctuate. The data listed was first gathered from the respective websites July 21, 2006 
5. Other offset providers may exist. This survey provides a cross section of the industry, projects may be added or removed over time.
6. Some information may be incomplete or has changed. We welcome updates.
* Please make sure that additionality is offered by the offsetting projects. CCX and certainly some others as well do not guarantee this.
Links to some important verification organisations:

Chicago Climate Exchange
Environmental Resources Trust
Climate Community and Biodiversity Standard
Center for Resource Solutions
Voluntary Carbon Standard
Gold Standard
Plan Vivo

NGAC - GGAS - NSW Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme

(Last update: 12 Jan 2009 )


Carbon Offsetting Services

Clear - Carbon Offsets through United Nations CERsClear is a one-stop shop to help you tackle climate change. Measure your carbon footprint, get advice on how to reduce it, and then find out how offsetting can create further reductions elsewhere. Our website makes it quick and painless by storing your carbon balance for your next visit.
Carbon Reduction InstituteCertify as Carbon Neutral Business! The Carbon Reduction Institute offers effective Carbon Management solutions: Carbon Emissions Assessments, Reduction Strategies and Carbon Offsets; Carbon Neutral Business Certification, Staff Education and Abatement Consultancy. Become Carbon Neutral Today!
ClearSky Climate Solutions - for our shared future. ClearSky Climate Solutions can help reduce your carbon footprint! For individuals, our website features an easy-to-use footprint calculator and carbon offset shopping cart. For businesses and organizations, we provide consulting services to assess and reduce your footprint and high-quality offsets to balance unavoidable emissions. ClearSky offsets have been certified through rigorous standards and provide additional benefits to local communities, native biodiversity, and green technology.
 Cleaner Climate - Secure the world's future. Go CO2 neutral. Cleaner Climate offers you the opportunity to offset your carbon dioxide emissions against energy renewable and efficiency projects in disadvantaged communities in South Africa. These projects create thousands of paying jobs for unemployed community locals and ensure your offset is displaced immediately.
Carbon Planet - Offset your greenhouse gas emissionsCarbon Planet retails fully certified carbon credits and conducts greenhouse gas emissions audits. We offer a transparent service that allows you to offset your personal greenhouse gas emissions or the emissions of your business with complete confidence.
Offset Now !Carbon Footprint Offsetters retails fully certified Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) or Certified Emmission Reductions (CER). Use our online carbon calculator to measure your carbon footprint today. We also conduct on site documented greenhouse gas emission evaluations to establish a baseline carbon footprint to start reducing from and we make recommendations to reduce that footprint. fighting global warming4Offsets provides CO2 offsets, purchased on the US climate exchange to both consumers and businesses seeking to reduce their carbon footprint and participate in the fight against global warming. Carbon offset your website from $1 year or your entire company. We can help.
the c-change trust - carbon emissions reduction charityWe are a UK charity that invests carbon offset money into youth education and carbon reduction projects to help create sustainable lifestyles. We can give your business access to a wide range of specialist advice and services geared towards reducing your emissions and creating sustainability.
CarLess Carbon.  Be carbon neutral. Crush a car.At CarLess Carbon, we reduce carbon emissions directly, by purchasing and scrapping perfectly good cars. And we go further, encouraging drivers to go car-less permanently. CarLess Carbon is a non-profit corporation. 100% of your offset purchase goes towards taking cars off the road.

Carbon Offset - Combined Offsetting

Trees, Water & People
Trees, Water & People plants trees and builds fuel-efficient woodstoves in Guatemala and El Salvador to offset carbon. Conserve tropical forests while neutralizing your emissions!
LittleCarbonFeet helps you solve global warming by reducing your carbon footprint, and offsetting what you can't reduce.
USA makes it easy and affordable for you to reduce your climate footprint. reduces the threat of climate change by supporting renewables, efficiency and reforestation projects that reduce carbon emissions. Best value: $5.50 per ton of CO2.
NativeEnergy is a small Vermont company launched to fight climate change and global warming by helping build more than 150 large, commercial-scale wind turbines, and keeping five million tons of carbon dioxide out of the air over the next five years.
Carbon Clear
Carbon Clear offers a range of gifts and packages to allow individuals to manage their carbon footprints. Products for drivers and frequent flyers from only £5.
The CarbonNeutral Company
On this site you can 'neutralize' the contribution you or your business makes to global warming. Buy products and gifts which soak up or compensate for unavoidable emissions - like tree planting and 'green' energy in developing countries.  Carbon Calculator    Flight Emissions Calculator

Wind Credits - Carbon Offset

A supplier of cleaner electricity generated from renewable energy such as sun, wind, and water, Vision Quest Windelectric allows you to choose energy that is less-polluting than traditional electricity. Sign up today.

Solar Carbon Offset Credits

Solar Electric Light Fund
By contributing to SELF’s work of helping villagers install solar PV, instead of burning kerosene or diesel, you can offset your personal emissions of CO2.

Tree Planting - Reforestation Certificates

Note: Carbon offsetting by planting trees/plants may have only a temporary effect since these products eventually will end up releasing some or all of the carbon. (A more sceptical resource concerning carbon sinking projects: )
Trees for Life
To offset the effects of travel and transport, Trees for Life will plant trees to absorb the CO2 produced.
Grow A Forest
Here you can neutralize your travel and living emissions or make gifts to other people.
Greenfleet Australia is a not for profit organization, that plants native trees to offset carbon dioxide emissions and promotes the development of fuel-efficient technologies to reduce emissions in the future. Great multiple flight calculator
Sustainable Travel International
Sustainable Travel International supports and promotes responsible travel, eco-tourism, eco-tours, green travel and sustainable tourism through education and outreach. They also sell green credits to offset your travel pollution.

Other Carbon Offset Projects

Climate Friendly
Calculate and neutralise your carbon emissions (travel, home, car, packages available)
Biodiesel India
Your contributions will be invested in oil baring seed plants to produce biodiesel. At the same time you will give employment to farmers in India!
Stichting Face
The Face Foundation was set up to help abate the enhanced greenhouse effect by planting and protecting forest.
GreenSeat is een duurzaam initiatief en biedt luchtreizigers de mogelijkheid om schadelijke uitstoot van gevlogen kilometers te compenseren door de aanplant van bomen.

Carbon Offset Services BtoB

EnviroTrade - Plan Vivo
Plan Vivo is a system for planning, managing and monitoring the supply of carbon offsets from small farmers in ways that enhance rural livelihoods. The problem or challenge that the Plan Vivo System addresses is the provision of credible, quantifiable carbon sequestration services by small farmers in ways that enhance rural livelihoods.
Juniper Consultancy Services
Juniper provides various services to public and private sector clients interested in the implications of the evolving carbon trading markets. 
The Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management
ECCM is widely recognized for its expertise managing carbon stock for sustainable development. We combine carbon offset delivery with commercial, social, biodiversity and hydrological considerations.
Point CarbonPoint Carbon provides carbon price forecasts and analysis of greenhouse gas emissions trading markets.
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