Contact Us

The California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. is an non-profit educational organization devoted to providing information to our members and the public on (primarily) tree crop culture.

Be sure to send your questions and/or comments to the correct address below.

Fruit Growing and Horticultural Questions

We have a fair bit of information on our web site and request that you check some key resources here before emailing us with your questions.

Please note: CRFG does not produce or sell fruits or plants.

If the above sources don't contain the answer to your question(s), email us at: . Please include your location. (If you're in Nome, Alaska you'll probably get a different response than if you're in Miami, Florida.) Also, please try to make your questions as specific as you can, don't just begin "tell me everything there is to know about ... ". Thank you.

Specialty Book Service Questions

Prices are listed on the CRFG Specialty Books and Merchandise page. To order back-issues of the Fruit Gardener magazine (or the Journals or Yearbooks that preceeded the Fruit Gardener) see the Publication Back Issues page.

For any additional questions regarding the Book service, email to:

Membership and Fruit Gardener Magazine Correspondence

The CRFG membership application form is on-line. New members will receive their first issue of the Fruit Gardener magazine depending on when the application and payment are received. The cutoff date for receiving a Fruit Gardener issue is one month before the cover date of the issue. (For example, February 1st for the March-April issue.)

Information about submitting articles for, or advertising in the Fruit Gardener are on-line.

For any additional correspondence regarding CRFG Membership (such as change of address) or the Fruit Gardener magazine, email to: .

Questions/comments about the Web Site itself

All questions and comments about the CRFG Web Site itself should be emailed to: . (This is NOT the email for fruit-related questions. This is for web site specific issues ONLY.)
© Copyright 2004, California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.