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Image Use Policy


We allow unlimited, royalty-free use* of our low-resolution images in our PlantFinder (those displayed on the web) in online works that meet the following criteria:

1. The online work is free and open for public use without a fee.

2. Each image is credited in a caption as “Courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden PlantFinder”.

3. A direct link is provided to the PlantFinder page from which the image was taken. This could be via the “Courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden PlantFinder” credit or other, for example “More Information”. The link can be in the image caption or in a description that accompanies the plant image.

In print

Up to ten (10) low-resolution images may be used in a single non-commercial work as long as the credit “Courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden PlantFinder” appears with each image.

Images marked "High-resolution image available." are available in 3-4 megapixel JPEG files for a fee. Our standard one-time-use fee is $50 per image. They will print at about 5" x 7" at 300 dpi. Commercial printing rights of our low-resolution images displayed on the web (640x480 pixels but of higher quality than what is on the web) is also available. After payment we will email you the highest resolution or quality file we have available.

*Your support welcomed

We gratefully accept donations in any amount to help support our work of making high quality plant images and information available to the world. Your tax-deductible donation can be sent to the address below. A receipt of your donation will be sent if you include a return address.

PlantFinder - Kemper Center for Home Gardening
Missouri Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 299
Saint Louis, MO 63166

For questions, please email Glenn Kopp at glenn.kopp@mobot.org

© Missouri Botanical Garden, 2001-2009