The Small Grains Field Guide cover

The Small Grains Field Guide

J.J. Wiersma, J.K. Ransom

Copyright ©  2009  Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

NOTE: This is a Web Sampler. Information about the complete publication and how to order it is available here.


  • Foreword
  • History of Wheat, Barley & Oats in Minnesota & North Dakota
  • Section I: Agronomic Management
    • Chapter 1: Water Management
    • Chapter 2: Crop Rotation
    • Chapter 3: Variety Selection
    • Chapter 4: Estimating a Yield Goal
    • Chapter 5: Planting
    • Chapter 6: No-Till Production
    • Chapter 7: Winter Wheat Production
  • Section II: Crop Growth & Staging
    • Chapter 1: Growth & Development
    • Chapter 2: Scouting & Diagnosing Problems
  • Section III: Fertility Management
  • Sections IV: Photographs
  • Section V: Pesticide Management
    • Chapter 1: Safe Handling & Storage
    • Chapter 2: Sprayer Equipment Operations
  • Section VI: Weed Control
  • Section VII: Disease & Pest Management
    • Chapter 1: Pathology
    • Chapter 2: Entomology
  • Section VIII: Harvest & Storage Management
  • Section IX: Wheat Marketing
  • Section X: Useful Internet Information Sources
  • References
  • Photo Credits

Growing wheat, barley, or oats profitably is like piecing together a challenging puzzle. Variety selection, proper fertilization, good weed control, and the ability to identify and eliminate yield robbing diseases and pests are all pieces of this puzzle. Each piece requires attention to solve the whole puzzle profitably.

The Small Grains Field Guide is intended as a quick reference and field guide for the production of wheat, barley, and oats. The information presented is organized around disciplines, rather than around crop species, to eliminate redundancy, as there are many similarities between wheat, barley, and oats. If and when differences are pertinent, specific data is presented for the crop in question. The book contains 10 sections: Agronomic Management, Crop Growth & Development, Fertility Management, Pesticide Management, Weed Management, Disease and Pest Management, Harvest and Storage Management, Marketing, Photographs, and Useful Internet Resources.

Authors & Contributors

Roger Ashley
George Flaskerud
Kenneth Hellevang
Vern Hofman
Roger Jones
Marcia McMullen
George Rehm
Thomas Scherer
Brian Sorenson
Edward Usset
William Wilcke
Richard Zollinger
Beverly Durgan
Dave Franzen
Dean Herzfeld
Charla Hollingsworth
Ian MacRae
Joel Ransom
Gary Sands
Paul Schwarz
Andrew Thostenson
Jochum Wiersma
Jerry Wright

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