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News and Information

Media Contact: Julie Christensen, U of M Extension, (612) 626-4077,

U of M Ag Buzz offers conversations on latest ag topics

ST. PAUL, Minn. (11/19/2007)-- As producers evaluate the 2007 growing season and search for the latest research-based information to make their operations more profitable, University of Minnesota Extension has launched, hosted by Minnesota Farm Guide.

On this site, a team of Extension crops, livestock and agricultural business management experts will post timely topics about marketing, crop storage, crop production, current conditions and concerns around the state, and the livestock business.

The specialists who will be posting blogs include: Bret Oelke, Extension educator in agricultural business management, Fergus Falls; George Rehm, Extension soil scientist and professor emeritus, St. Paul; Jochum Wiersma, Extension small grains specialist, Crookston; and Mark Whitney, Extension swine specialist, Mankato.

The Extension experts will update their blogs frequently over the coming weeks and months as they become aware of changing factors in agriculture. Visitors to also will have the opportunity to pose questions to the bloggers or report situations or concerns.

Entries from the Extension specialists are also accessible through Minnesota Farm Guide’s website,, where readers can click through to the blogging site.


NOTE: News releases were current as of the date of issue. If you have a question on older releases, use the news release search (upper left-hand column of the News main page) or the main Extension search (upper right of this page) to locate more recent information.


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