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National Veterinary Stockpile (NVS)


What is the National Veterinary Stockpile


Information for Planners


NOTE: The following documents under "Information for Planners" are password protected in Adobe Acrobat.

NVS Basics Brief (pdf 900kb) (09-22-08)
NVS Planning Guide for Federal, State, and Local Authorities (pdf 420kb) (03-25-07)



NVS Deploys in 24 Hours

The National Veterinary Stockpile (NVS) deployed supplies of personal protective equipment and disinfectants on 3 April 2007 to help the State of West Virginia battle an outbreak of LPAI in turkeys. Although the NVS had the majority of items in stock, it had to make an emergency purchase of one item. Thereafter it coordinated the simultaneous arrival of shipments from Wisconsin and Missouri into West Virginia within 24 hours. A logistics expert from the NVS met the shipments when they arrived to provide technical assistance to the state. Operational for only a year, the NVS demonstrated that it has procedures in place to deliver within 24 hours and at less cost, critical supplies to the right place at the right time.


Last Modified: October 8, 2008